Spring Forward into Cyber Hygiene

Spring Forward into Cyber Hygiene

Remember that time changes this Sunday! We move forward one hour. As you take time to update your clocks and declutter your homes this weekend, CIRT-BS reminds you to ensure that your cyber hygiene is being taken care of, too!


Organise Your Files

Clean folders make spotting malicious files and viruses easier.


Review Bank Statements

Check for unauthorised transactions and query them.


Clean Up Your Home Wi-Fi Network

Hide your Wi-Fi network to deter hackers and update your password.


Review Account Permissions

Revoke access to apps and services you no longer need.


Update Your Software

Outdated software increases your vulnerability to cyber threats.


Audit Social Media Profiles

Limit the amount of personal information you share publicly.


Update Account Recovery Methods

Ensure you can receive critical recovery communications.


Clean Your Devices

Poorly maintained devices overheat and compromise performance and security.

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